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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Girls vs Guys

The different conversations between with girls and guys. Well, at least for me.

This is how my conversation with girls goes..

Girls: *me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me......*

An hour later.

Girls: Ok. Enough about me, how's your week?

Me: My week was........ great!

And this is how my conversation with guys goes..

Guys: *girls, sex, cars, video games, gadgets, workout...*

Off and on throughout the conversation, they'll start checking out every girl that passes us.

Me: Hey, look at that girl! She's hot! She has a pretty face but she needs to work out more on her body.

Boys: You call that pretty? 

Me: Yeah.. Don't you?

Boys: Nah.. You're prettier.

Sometimes, it's therapeutic talking with guys.